The Self-Worth Mastermind is currently closed for enrollment!
Wanna work on healing your self-worth? Here are some other amazing options for you! ⤵️
A 3-month mastermind where you'll go from taking everything personally, anxiously overthinking every convo, & feeling like no one really “gets” you, to embodying your High Self-Worth Self. 👑 Say hello to feeling calm, truly present, & confident exactly as you are. 🌸
If you're here, I have a feeling you can relate to these...
- You want to actually FEEL CONFIDENT in your day-to-day life. Like, you love the idea of "feeling confident" but have no clue how to actually embody that.
- Maybe you feel comfortable at home, but as soon as you're in a group of people, you clam up, feel awkward, and second-guess everything you say... causing you to later dissect ALL of your conversations while you're trying to fall asleep that night.
- You keep replaying the same old low self-worth patterns and you're sick of it. You "know better" but you can't seem to stop.
- You take every sideways glance and change in someone’s tone as a sign that they’re upset with you and you did something wrong. You easily fall into people-pleasing patterns and second-guessing yourself. You WANT to stop worrying so much all the time but you don't know how to stop.
- You want to feel less alone in your experience as a highly sensitive person.
- Do you want to connect with other people who feel as deeply as you do? Can you count on ONE hand the amount of people who actually understand you in your daily life? There's something deeply healing about being surrounded by like-minded souls doing growth-oriented inner work. And that's exactly what you'll find in the Self-Worth Mastermind.
Because I'm going to guess you've been working at this for a while and you feel like you're doing all of the "right" things...
🎧Listening to self-help podcasts
📱Consuming uplifting Instagram content
📚Reading personal development books
💻Purchasing digital courses
👩💼Going to therapy
But as soon as your friend seems like she's in a bad mood, and her energy is a little distant toward you, you immediately worry that she's upset with you and you play mental gymnastics trying to figure out how to fix it. "Maybe she's mad because of that thing I said 3 weeks ago?!?" 😅
You *know* all of the right things to do, yet you struggle with applying that to your life and living as a calmer, more confident version of yourself.
The missing piece? You need to take action on all that you've been learning. You need to learn how to embody your High Self-Worth Self. 👑
Who is your High Self-Worth Self? She's the version of you who…
🌟Feels totally secure with yourself regardless of what others are saying or doing. Like, you can feel content in your decision to eat gluten free without needing to overexplain or justify it to everyone. The vibe is chill, unbothered, and completely at peace with the way YOU choose to live YOUR life.
🌸Handles challenges with grace because you know you have your own back. Is it time to have a conversation with your cousin who keeps commenting on your parenting style? Yeah, it might be uncomfortable, but you know you’ve got this!
✨Doesn’t waver in your self-acceptance just because someone questions you, disagrees with you, or doesn’t like you. Maybe you never heard back from that guy after your first date. Instead of going into “omg, I wasn’t good enough for him!” your response is more like, “Hmm. His loss! The perfect person for me is going to know I’m a catch. 😉”
🙏Treats yourself with love, compassion, and respect even when you make a mistake. Instead of “Ugh! How could I have made this mistake again?” you respond with gentleness toward yourself. “Oh well, it happens. I'm human. No biggie!” *move on*
🔥Feels totally confident in what you do and say which means you seriously DON’T overthink Like, you come home from your husband’s work party and think, “I had the best time and the best conversations. I’m so happy we went!” instead of wondering, “OMG why did I say that?!”
When you join the Self-Worth Mastermind, you’re intentionally choosing to become your high self-worth self, which means you’re saying GOODBYE to… 👋
- Taking everything personally. No more spiraling into “omg they hate me!” if someone is short with you in a text message.
- Feeling responsible for everyone else’s emotions, energy, and mood… to the point of making yourself sick with worry and trying to fix the situation if someone seems a little bit “off”.
- Comparing yourself to everyone else and always feeling like you’re falling short and not good enough.
- Feeling taken advantage of, like people don’t respect you and always walk all over you because you’re a nice person.
- Being a workaholic with zero boundaries, never taking a lunch break, because the only time you feel “good enough” is when you’re being praised for how much you’re achieving and “IDK how you do it all!”
And saying HELLO to meeting amazing like-minded souls and being deeply supported as you become your most confident, unstoppable, magnetic self. 🌸🌟🚀

It’s time to embody high self-worth version of you who remains grounded amidst triggers and has unwavering self-confidence no matter what’s happening around you. 😮💨
The power of embodying high self-worth? Is that even when you're doing a big presentation at work, you feel as comfortable as you would out to lunch with your bestie. You're regulated, self-confident, and you know you've got this. 🙏
Here's what you can expect from the Self-Worth Mastermind 🌸🌟🚀
🌟Specific, personalized action steps you can take right away to embody your high self-worth self.
So, if you can’t stop replaying that “awkward” thing you said at your in-laws’ house for dinner the other night and it’s triggering major feelings of insecurity inside of you, that’s EXACTLY what the Mastermind is for.
You’ll be able to talk through different scenarios in a live group chat and I’ll give you specific practices and action steps you can take to STOP the ruminating thoughts, reconnect to your high self-worth self, and move forward with your day feeling aligned and confident and like “okay, it’s no biggie. I’ve got this!”
🌸You'll learn the tools to work through triggering moments and return to high self-worth in ANY situation.
You'll no longer be totally taken down by your boss giving you constructive criticism or your mother-in-law questioning your dietary restrictions because you'll know how to get to the root of WHY you feel triggered, support yourself through it, take action if needed, and return to feeling good.
Your ability to work through triggers becomes the superpower that puts YOU in the driver's seat of the way you feel in your daily life, instead of always letting other people's actions dictate the way you feel.
Here's what happens when you truly embody High Self-Worth...
✨You're more present in your day-to-day life, noticing the rich colors of the leaves and memorizing your baby's sweet laugh because you're no longer stuck in your head, worrying and ruminating over what you said.
🌱You have better health because you're no longer chronically stressed AND you're taking better care of yourself by meditating, setting healthy boundaries, nourishing your body, and getting enough rest
🔥You pursue your big goals and dreams because you have the confidence to do so! You ASK for that raise at work and *know* that you deserve it. You start that dream business because you *know* you're here to make a big impact.
💞Your relationships get WAY better because you're speaking up for what you need, exuding confidence which is sexy and magnetic, and you no longer need constant reassurance so you're actually able to connect with your partner in a way that feels fulfilling for you both
🤝You embrace your uniqueness and love yourself unconditionally. Because it's not about being *perfect*, it's about loving yourself, quirks and all. It's about being able to laugh at yourself, be kind to yourself when you make mistakes, and truly be your own best friend.
The vibe?
You feel as comfortable at your husband's work party as you do at home in your PJs. Like, you know you can go anywhere and you can handle ANYthing because you embody the energy of "I have my own back". 🔥
You aren't here to ONLY feel happy when everything around you is going perfectly.
You aren't here to constantly feel anxious, worried, and wondering when the other shoe is going to drop.
You're here to enjoy your one precious life.
You're here to have relationships that fuel your sensitive soul.
You're here to expand and grow into the most beautiful version of you.
You have way too much goodness to offer to keep doubting yourself.
It's TIME to step into your High Self-Worth Self and feel SO much more present, happy, and calm in your everyday life. 👑
READY? Here are the nitty gritty details! ⤵️
🌟 3-month commitment (April 1st - July 1st) to stepping into your Highest Self-Worth Self. Helloooo calm & confident, goodbye anxious overthinking! 👋
🚀 Daily (M-F) access to group coaching via Voxer or Telegram App where you'll ask any questions and receive personalized coaching from me every day!
Imagine having a warm, inviting, non-judgmental space you can plug into every single day to connect with other highly sensitive people who are just like you. Maybe you took an interaction personally at work, or you had an argument with your boyfriend that you can't stop ruminating on. This is a space for you to share your experience, get personalized support from me, and hear the experiences of others who can totally relate.
The other amazing thing? If you're struggling with something, you don't have to wait a week for the next Zoom call because you can get support that SAME day. This allows you to stay plugged into the work of embodying high self-worth and never allow questions or tough moments stop you from making progress.
🌸 1 group Zoom call per month (3 total) where we'll do monthly intention-setting for our theme of the month and hot seat coaching (aka share a specific challenge that's coming up for you and I'll coach you through it on the call!)
🚀 Access to the Sensitive & Soulful Self-Worth Course ($672 value) where you'll find deep-dive trainings to support you in your healing your self-worth
🌟 Monthly Astrology-Guided Themes to Support w/Healing Your Self-Worth
- 🔥 Phase 1 - Aries: Boldness. Fiery Confidence. Healthy Anger. This theme is all about embodying the most passionate, motivated, confident, and bold versions of yourself. We’ll look at how our self-worth story has played a part in us NOT embodying these traits. Where are you being meek and staying small? Making excuses instead of taking action? How does this relate to your self-worth? How can you be BOLDER? We’ll also explore anger and what we can learn from the times we’re triggered!
- 🌱Phase 2 - Taurus: Self-Care. Goddess Energy. Mind-Body Connection. This theme is all about embodying the version of you who slows down and luxuriates in the experience of life; appreciates nature and is comfortable to move at your own pace. Why do you feel the need to rush through life? Where are you treating yourself as a second option instead of the GODDESS you are?
- 🛝 Phase 3 - Gemini: Inner Child. Embracing Quirks. Playful Energy. This theme is all about curiosity, flexibility, and being your QUIRKY self. Embodying PLAYFUL inner child energy. Where is a fixed mindset holding you back? Where are you overthinking instead of being open to flowing and trying new things? How are you trying to fit yourself into a box instead of embrace who you are, quirks and all?
- 🌊 Phase 4 - Cancer: Emotion Regulation. Embracing Softness. Healing Relationships. Your emotional, caring nature makes you SO beautiful. And yet, being an emotional, sensitive human can be hard. You were likely shamed for having big feelings and felt like it wasn’t welcome or okay. Where are you still feeling guilty, bad, or wrong for your feelings? How are you suppressing your emotions and how is this impacting your relationships? How can you create SPACE for the way you feel and welcome this as a part of you?
🌸 Price: $497/month for 3 months or $1,400 paid in full