a bath tray with tea, books, a candle and flowers

76. You're Not Dramatic and Your Needs DO Matter | The Sensitive & Soulful Show

business highly sensitive podcast self worth Feb 07, 2023

I was feeling a little dramatic the other day when I canceled my HSP Business Mastermind Zoom call and IG Live because I was overwhelmed and not feeling my best. I made the decision to cancel these things because I needed to give myself space to breath and reset. And something very interesting happened when I did this that I was so proud of (listen to find out)!


In this episode, you'll learn:

  • Why it's important to trust yourself and your needs.
  • That you are not dramatic, you just have different needs than non-HSPs.
  • About my recent experience with letting my needs take priority.

Listen on Apple  |  Listen on Spotify