purple wildflowers growing out of the side of a stone wall

160. Resiliency & DECIDING That You Can Thrive ANYWHERE As An HSP | The Sensitive & Soulful Show

anxiety hsp inspiration managing energy podcast Sep 13, 2024

In today's episode, I share about my intense week dealing with a wildfire near my home and the subsequent evacuation...also dealing with husband actually being head on and in it as a volunteer firefighter!

We talk about the importance of remaining grounded and resilient in chaos- because the truth is; highly sensitive people can thrive in imperfect circumstances by cultivating their own inner strength and flexibility.

The fact is- ideal conditions aren't necessary for well-being and that's not realistic, either. It's time to view your challenges as opportunities for growth and empowerment, embrace discomfort, and build resilience.


🌸 🌸 🌸


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