Alissa Boyer standing outside cradling her 14 week belly bump

156. Pregnancy After Recurrent Miscarriage (My story, Divine guidance, & the answers I found) | The Sensitive & Soulful Show

hsp podcast spirituality wellness Aug 27, 2024

I'm pregnant with my second baby! And it was a journey to get here.

In this episode, we're getting deep and talking about my journey of struggling with miscarriages. I reveal how I experienced multiple miscarriages, questioning my ability to have more children after successfully carrying my first daughter. I talk about how a divine intervention led me to a fertility doctor who finally gave me the answers I was looking for.

Of course in this episode, I highlight the importance of trusting the process, having faith, and trusting your intuition. With this episode, I hope to give inspiration to others going through similar experiences, because no one is alone and there's always a reason behind the struggles.

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